Dear all

I am a breeder of the leen boers janssen family,which excell from 58 to 401 miles with up to 5000 birds competing. I would like to contact other boers enthusiasts worldwide and can export stock if required I am also an avid eyesign enthusiast and hope you will enjoy the following.

a personal view by ian john platt

Like many my first introduction to eyesign was the s.w.e. bishop book which I find confusing to say the least if a pigeon was dominant then. Surely all its children would have one type of eye and this is not the case.

In the late eighties I was gifted a pigeon by the late great Tom Swires. This was a 1982 bred Maurice Verheye cock of Louella origin and Tom was told by a friend in his club that the pigeon had a green eye. I entered this pigeon in a show judged by Brian Vickers and he won 4th prize I talked to Brian at length and he told me of his research on eyesign and we fast became good friends. I was a journalist for the British Homing World and did many loft reports and often took Brian along. At every loft we visited he would pick out the top racers and breeders and I was amazed at his ability word soon spread amongst the fancy of Brians expertise and he was in great demand. I went with him and Frank Quinlan to Belgium and again watched him pick out national winners and their parents in the loft of Gaston Devooght who signed a statement confirming Brians accuracy. We also visited George Catteuw and other top fanciers and again he picked out all the top pigeons. Eventually Brian wrote his book evaluation of eyesign in racing pigeons, which was printed in several languages and has been sold worldwide. Aaround the same time I met Nigel Cowood and Anil Chudasama and I am glad to say that I class these outstanding fanciers as friend to this day.

Anyway enough of history and into the nitty gritty

Eyesign and genetics are closely linked and in the majority of cases cocks pass on their strengths to their daughters and hens to their sons. So if I come across a bull eyed cock I want to look at his daughters or his mother but I believe if you use a strong enough light you can look through the bull pigment and see what’s underneath. 

I do not pay attention to eye colour but to what is in the eye itself the speed or distance lines the sphyncter muscle and the breeding characteristics. I have seen all types of eyes from inbred yellow eyes to rich  violets and all possess the speed, distance, or both lines and also the breeding characteristics also the sphyncter muscle in pigeons that excel on very hard days. This is usually very pronounced and jagged and is often very apparent in families of a long distance origin. The distance and speed lines are easy. The distance lines go round the first circle and the speed lines run away from the pupil the size of the first circle is unimportant. What is important is what’s in it. My own pigeons are Leen Boers and we have violet, nut brown and yellow green eyes in the family. Some posses maximum speed and some show distance  but not in excess and they have won from 58 miles to 401 miles. We were 1st from 58 miles in 1997 and 1998. Flying at the loft of waite and goodwill flying to one of the farthest flying lofts in the fed graham waite finished with pigeons this year so we could not achieve the hat trick. I have some black and white pictures of various eyes and without the distraction of colours you see much more and do not have your judgment of the eye swayed because it is a violet or other colour

I judge the strongest eye as usually both eyes are very similar but not always I personally like both eyes to be very alike. I have seen sick pigeons that show scarring in the eyes which appears as a blotch this can be a white , opaque or dark colour. When you go to the doctors he always looks into your eyes there is a book called iridology that shows more. The author is Dorothy hall also the eminent eye specialist Dr Brian may appears on a video and again you can learn a lot from this Brian Vickers attended many of brian Mays lectures.  

I know how to tell if a person suffers from epilepsy or is on medication as this is clearly explained and eyes from a genius and a HANDICAPPED PERSON ARE SHOWN AND IT IS EASY TO SPOT INTELLIGENCE IN EYES THIS APPEARS AS COTTON TAILS OR MOUNTAIN RANGES WHEN YOU LOOK AT AN EYE IT SHOULD COME UP TO YOU A FLAT EYE SHOWS INBREEDING.
There are breeding eyes and racing eyes and dual purpose eyes when I mentioned big winners I mean pigeons that have won a big race but never produced offspring of a similar nature this is because they did not posses the ability to do so 

Real champions are multi 1st prize winners that breed winners. My mentor in pigeon racing is Leen Boers whom i have met several times and Nigel has visited him. Leen does not use eyesign he pairs big winner to big winner and would rather look at a pigeons droppings than its eye for if the droppings are right the pigeon is right yet. Within his family of pigeons there are many that posses superb eyesign. I have seen watered down specimens sold by feather merchants and usually the eyesign has gone so these can not be classed as true examples of the family

I enjoy breeding winners as much if not more than racing and I can only think of one pigeon that did not have an excellent eye. This was a son of supervisor who died here last year he possessed a flattish nut brown eye with a few defined breeding lines. He is responsible for over 100 winners via his children and grandchildren etc. and his children posses exceptional dual purpose eyes. He bred winners with most hens and was a one in a million. I have a doudle granddaughter who possesses his eye and I hope she will follow in his footsteps. 

I hope this has given you something to think about and === message truncated ===

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